Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The, And, Clothing, Leather And Tweed - 845 Words

Of particular interest, and a perfect piece to fit the genre, with two holes on both sides, and grommets encircling the cutouts, is a white shift dress. While this dress is not what one would call wearable, it certainly makes a statement, and one that Courrà ¨ges made well. Sensible women probably would not have worn this dress due to the cutout placement unless they were in favor of foregoing their undergarments. Courrà ¨ges utilized vinyl, pvc, leather, and an aggregate of burnished materials in order to create his vision which supplemented his modern, futuristic vision. His cloth of choice was gabardine, wool, and tweed. His background in architecture lent to his attention to detail and his dedication to construction. While Andrà © Courrà ¨ges was gaining the praises of the masses, other designers were forging ahead on the same path. Paco Rabanne also gained his fashion footing at Balenciaga, however he also worked for Dior and Givenchy. Perhaps fashion was in his blo od considering his mother was previously the lead seamstress at Balenciaga. With his first manifesto collection, 12 Unwearable Dresses in Contemporary Materials, it was obvious that Rabanne was not an conventional designer, nor was he quick to fade into the background and dissolve into fashion history. In a world where men had dominance and women were contending for even a meager slice of that, Rabanne was a savior of sorts. He once stated that, â€Å"The woman of tomorrow will be efficacious, seductive andShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Marc Bohan s First Haute Couture Collection For Christian Dior1381 Words   |  6 PagesInitially producing designs lauded by the industry that contained exquisite fabrics and the finest craftsmanship, Saint Laurent began to construct clothing that was more daring and that strayed farther from Dior’s idea of the brand. Saint Laurent’s last collection, labeled â€Å"Le Beat Look,† consisted of leather skirts, black turtlenecks, and crocodile-embossed leather that mimicked a bohemian style, heavily inspired by youth culture. When he was called to serve in the French Army during the Algerian War ofRead MoreHow Fashion Professionals Are Inspired by History and Culture1843 Words   |  8 Pagesof Karl Lagerfelds game between the rigid lines of jackets - so narrow that fit like a glove, and fairy multilayered skirts reaching just under the knee. The German designer has developed this idea before, but this time supplementing it with long tweed jackets and shirts with turned sleeves. This collection gives both romantic and modern feelings. The Fashion House of Christian Dior is inspired by Egypt. John Galliano recreated the splendor of the ancient state in his new fashion line dresses,Read MoreRalph Lauren2639 Words   |  11 Pageshis products are nearly as diverse as the country that inspires them. He designs a wide range of products, including menswear, womens wear, boyswear, girlswear, home furnishing, eyewear, scarves, shoes, hosiery, fragrances, handbag, luggage and leather goods. And the stores that carry his products are located across the United States and around the world. nbsp; MENSWEAR : POLO BY RALPH LAUREN In 1967, the New York born bred Ralph Lauren started the Polo division of Beau Brummel neckties. TiesRead More Ralph Lauren Essay2557 Words   |  11 Pagesfashion, his products are nearly as diverse as the country that inspires them. He designs a wide range of products, including menswear, womenswear, boyswear, girlswear, home furnishing, eyewear, scarves, shoes, hosiery, fragrances, handbag, luggage and leather goods. And the stores that carry his products are located across the United States and around the world. amp;nbsp; MENSWEAR : POLO BY RALPH LAUREN In 1967, the New York born bred Ralph Lauren started the Polo division of Beau Brummel necktiesRead MoreEggplant: The Universally Flattering Color for Every Woman729 Words   |  3 Pagesto plum to lavender. The new Fresh Produce Eggplant Collection celebrates the earthy tones of this comforting vegetable, which stars in such hearty dishes as ratatouille, moussaka and parmigiana. Fresh Produce now carries more than 100 women’s clothing items in various purple-inspired hues, from a pinstripe vintage cardigan and comfortably stylish flutter dress in eggplant to a Boca pencil skirt in lilac and a soothing soy candle made from lavender and thyme. Enhance Every Skin Tone with EggplantRead MoreWhat Makes A New Fashion?1796 Words   |  8 Pagesresult, many distinct fashion crazes sprang up in decades like the twenties, fifties, and eighties. The flappers in the 20s, the housewives in the 50s, and the bold-colored teens and young adults of the 80s were very famous for being the most popular clothing trends of their decade because of how easy to wear, creative, and disparate they were. The major fashion craze of the twenties that caused a stir was the flapper because it was a deviation from the usual form of dress, residing in the decade knownRead MoreRevival Of The Fashion Industry1247 Words   |  5 Pagesrationing clothing items. In 1945, each person received only 36 coupons. A woman s tweed suit alone cost 18 coupons, and shoes cost 7 coupons. With the government setting such tight limits on purchases, everyday apparel, coats, and shoes had to be functional and hard-wearing. The styles available to purchase during the war were austere and simple. The ‘American Look’ reflected a comfortable active lifestyle leading the fashion world. The full skirts, matching hats and gloves, and bright leather shoesRead MoreIs There a Relationship Between Consumption and Identity?1598 Words   |  7 Pagesfabrics reinforce certain notions of status and personality, using clothing as a sign system. For example, textures from fabrics like satin , velvet and silk are soft and mysteriously attracts touch because of the shine surface. This could be attributed to the wearer expressing a soft, gentle, kind nature. As with heavier and thicker fabrics, such as tweed and leather, which may portray a more masculine character. As Alison Lurie statesRead MoreCfew2473 Words   |  10 Pagesand a self-created image of the free-spirited new woman of the 1920s. Through her personal example and the fashion empire she established,  Chanel  launched and sustained the movement toward simplicity, practicality, and unfussy elegance in womens clothing. A fashion that does not reach the streets is not a fashion, she said, and by the early years of the 1920s,  Chanel  fashion had reached streets throughout Europe and the United States. Early Life.  Chanel  both obscured and embroidered upon the factsRead MoreConsumer Behaviour Luxury Bags4468 Words   |  18 Pagesfollowers, with the latest fashion updates; Gucci is able to capture the attention of those fashion people. Chanel Unique Selling Proposition: Every single detail that are on the handbags, are clearly visible with no flaws. Chanel’s famous for their tweed fabric, embroidery, chains and buttons. 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Background of the Firm 2.1.  Ã‚  Ã‚   Product Positioning Positioning of products is an important aspect to all brands, as it also refers to consumer’s belief about the product

Monday, December 23, 2019

Cyber Stalking Is An Actionable Crime - 1370 Words

Cyber stalking is an actionable crime as defined in 18 USC Section 875, a federal law on interstate communications, and it reads: (a) Whoever transmits in interstate or foreign commerce any communication containing any demand or request for a ransom or reward for the release of any kidnapped person, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both. (b) Whoever, with intent to extort from any person, firm, association, or corporation, any money or other thing of value, transmits in interstate or foreign commerce any communication containing any threat to kidnap any person or any threat to injure the person of another, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both. (c) Whoever transmits in interstate or foreign commerce any communication containing any threat to kidnap any person or any threat to injure the person of another, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both. (d) Whoe ver, with intent to extort from any person, firm, association, or corporation, any money or other thing of value, transmits in interstate or foreign commerce any communication containing any threat to injure the property or reputation of the addressee or of another or the reputation of a deceased person or any threat to accuse the addressee or any other person of a crime, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both. According to EoghanShow MoreRelatedFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words   |  1056 Pagestheir productivity. Employers often believe they must monitor what employees are doing because employees are hired to work, not to surf the Web checking stock prices, placing bets at online casinos, or shopping for presents for family or friends. â€Å"Cyber Monday,† or the Monday 8 Chapter 1 The Dynamic Environment of HRM after Thanksgiving, as a day to do personal holiday shopping while at work may not be supported by recent sales figures, but recreational on-the-job Web surfing has been said

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Human Trafficking in the US Free Essays

Sex Trafficking in the United States Imagine yourself leaving for a trip that you have been looking forward to. You get packed, board the plane, and then finally you arrive at your destination. After settling in you go explore the area. We will write a custom essay sample on Human Trafficking in the US or any similar topic only for you Order Now At this point, you are kidnapped. You cannot do anything to protect yourself or to escape. You end up being forced to strip your clothes and have your body sold. You are now an object, no longer a person. Welcome to the victims’ world of sex trafficking. Because sex trafficking is an underground business, it may be difficult to completely stop this exploitation. Knowing the signs, watching for human sex trafficking, and acting quickly can save countless lives. Sex Trafficking is any practice that involves moving people within and across local or national boundaries for the purpose of sexual exploitation (Farr 2). It is the fastest growing crime in the United States and the second largest illegal trade after the drug industry. Human Trafficking has been going on for over one hundred years. Human Sex Trafficking happens all over the world, including the United States. There are approximately twenty-seven million victims of sex trafficking worldwide; three undred thousand of them are women and children bought and sold yearly here in the U. S. Of the three hundred thousand sex slaves sold in the US, 25% are forced into the business by parents or family members and 75% are former runaways. Each year, 1. 7 million children run away from home. From that number, 90% will be approached by traffickers within 48 hours. Many of which do not make it out the industry alive. In the state of Texas alone, there are only 99 known survivors in the last 20 years whoVe managed to escape sexual slavery (Preda. org). Victims of sexual slavery are not all kidnapped, majority are tricked into the business. Most of the women trafficked into brothels posing as massage businesses are not U. S. citizens, and many do not have documented status. Therefore, traffickers use the threat of deportation to maintain control of immigrant women. Without legal status, the women frequently fear and distrust police or government authorities. Immigrant women are vulnerable due to language barriers, unfamiliarity with their legal rights in the US, and/or the lack of a local support network. Others can be women with financial need or in debt leave the women vulnerable to recruiters, who appear to be offering legal Jobs. Sex trafficking thrives because it is low in risk and high in pay off. The United States FBI estimates about three thousand Russian mobsters control gangs in American cities that involve forced prostitution (Stoecker, Shelly 14). These groups generate 7 billion dollars yearly in the United States. Since there are currently no consistent or accurate ways of tracking these crimes, statistics may vary. Because this is a large and very detailed business, many people are involved throughout the process. Everyone involved has a role to play to ensure the process is done quickly and smoothly. The recruiter finds and brings the victims into the industry usually by force or deception. The recruiter then sells the women to brokers or directly to employers. Brokers are the â€Å"middleman†; they buy the women from recruiters and sell them to employers, those who own brothels or bars. If the women are being transported from overseas, a contractor organizes the transaction. Next an Employment or Travel agent is needed. Their main purpose is to arrange a â€Å"legitimate† Job and Job description or a† legitimate† trip. A document theft or forger obtains all the legal documentation needed to travel from country to country. The transporter travels with the women to each destination and delivers them to the recruiter. Who then sells them to the employers. The employers provide the women with a place to live and work; telling them of the working conditions, living arrangements, and lifestyle. A large number of employers are bar or club owners, while a very small percentage of them are street pimps. For large establishments an enforcer serves as security for the place of business (Farr 63). The life of a sex slave can be compared to an animal caged in a zoo. You are brought out only to do your trick, and then locked in a cage again. Victims, usually ages 11-17, are chained to a bed or confined in small living quarter’s majority of the day until they are fed, usually something light to keep their weight down. Then they are given ice-cold showers to reduce the swelling on their bodies. Attendants then cover-up their bruises from the night before, put make-up on the girls, and then present them to another group of men for more abuse and profit. The women usually serve 5 to 30 men a night. Many of these victims turn to drugs as a solace for the life they have been brought into. Drugs and beatings numb their capacity for thoughts of escape and further iscourage the energy or alertness required to act on their desire for freedom. Many never make it out of the industry alive (preda. org). Stopping Sex Trafficking is harder than it may seem. There are signs of human sex trafficking that everyone should be aware of. Visible indicators may include: Heavvy security at the commercial establishment including barred windows, locked doors, isolated location, and electronic surveillance. Women are never seen leaving the premises unless escorted. Victims live at the same premises as ‘the brothel or work site, or are driven between uarters and â€Å"work† by a guard. Victims are kept under surveillance when taken to a doctor, hospital or clinic for treatment; trafficker may act as a translator. High foot traffic especially for brothels where there may be trafficked women indicated often by a stream of men arriving and leaving the premises. Physical signs of a person being trafficked include: malnutrition, dehydration or poor personal hygiene; sexually transmitted diseases; signs of rape or sexual abuse; bruising, broken bones, or other signs of untreated medical problems; critical illnesses including diabetes, cancer or eart disease; post-traumatic stress or psychological disorders (humantraffcking. org). How to cite Human Trafficking in the US, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Critical Analysis Oroonoko

Question: Discuss about theCritical Analysis for Oroonoko. Answer: Introduction The piece, Oroonoko displays interplay of history and literature. Unlike the conception of Utopia (an imagined projection of land that is the epitome of perfection), the piece Oroonoko witnessed a miserable climax, where both the male and female lead characters died a filthy death. The piece is far from the portrayal of the perfect terrain and an apposite romantic connection. The novella, according to the author, is the real representation of the slavery during the colonial epoch. The death of Imoinda projects a tragic scene that ended the relationship. In the last part of the novella, Behn shows a dreadful climax, which reveals the death of the female lead at the hand of her lover, Oroonoko. The author shows that Imoinda became pregnant. After the acknowledgement of the fact, Oroonoko realized their slavery plight. He wanted to free his family from the slumber of darkness and slavery. Therefore, he murdered his wife, along the decimation of the foetus. The death of Imoinda, albeit gloomy, but it gave her a respite from the severe hardship and slavery. The piece, Oroonoko reveals the influence of Neoclassicism (It is a phenomenon that entails the imitation of cultural elements of ancient Greece and Rome). During that time, many authors used to trace the similarity to enhance the piece. For an instance, Behn makes a comparative study between Oroonoko and the tiger, which is a majestic beast of might and strength. Here, he is compared to a natural force that explains the significance of the concept. The portrayal of the character, Oroonoko is doubtless, tragic and heart wrenching. The author ended the piece with the sad murder of the female lead at the hand of her husband, Oroonoko. At the other end of the spectrum, the male lead died after the unsuccessful slave revolt, wrought by him against the British. He died at the hands of the British. This led to the abysmal end of the piece. The piece could have portrayed a romantic fulfillment. However, it ended as a real life fiction that had killed the male and the female protagonists. The author, A. Behn, adumbrates and explains the history of slavery through a history format. In the piece, the author highly praises the lead protagonist, Oroonoko and describes him as the hero of the novella. Oroonoko was hailed to be a great man to Behn. According to the author, the character beautifully fits into the story. The author brought in certain historical incidents to highlight the resplendent character of Oroonoko. The romantic entanglement between Oroonoko and Imoinda depict the passionate love for each other. In the last, Oroonoko killed Imoinda out of frustration and the realization of the captive situation. After the cognizance of Imoindas death, Oroonoko behaved as a regale prince. This is certainly a blot to the characterization of Oroonoko. However, he managed to maintain his regality throughout. According to the author, the most enthralling is the analogy between the characterization of Oroonoko and a tiger. Similar to the hero, the tiger is deemed a splendid be ast of might and magnanimity. Behn maintains that after baptism, Oroonoko travelled with many scars, which did not decimate him completely. Truly speaking Oroonoko was the embodiment of virtues. It did not kill him, but made him even stronger. Throughout his life, he had to endure the worst of the slavery and other things. However, he died an honorable, but terrific death. The romance novel or romantic novel is a variant of novel that emphasizes the romantic liaison between two people. The relationship always ends with a satisfying and optimistic note. The piece, Oroonoko portrays a romantic equation between the lead male protagonist and his counterpart. The romantic couple witnessed hard time, when the grandfather of Oroonoko forced Imoinda to betroth him. At the same time, their relationship was attenuated by the dispersal of false rumors. The grandfather completely dictated the scene. According to the author, the two lovers again reunited in the British slave colony of Surinam. The two led a life of happiness, despite the fact of captivity. Behn brings in a tragic turn, when the lead female became pregnant and the stark reality of the slavery loomed large on the horizon. Consequently, the lead male comprehended the graveness of the matter and murdered his wife. According to the author, Oroonoko did not want to bring his children to the world of slav ery. Therefore, the relationship came to a virtual close. The novella is not a romantic one. It fits into the realistic genre.